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    Topics || Problems

    In what time would A, B and C together do a piece of work if A alone could do it in 6 hrs. more , B alone in 1 hr more, and C alone in twice the time?

    Let t be the total time A, B and C can do a piece of work

    Thus, A can do that work in t + 6, B in t +1, and C in 2t

    Working together: \(\frac{1}{T} = \frac{1}{T+6} + \frac{1}{T+1} + \frac{1}{2T}\)

    \(\frac {(t + 6)(t + 1)(2t)}{x} = (x+1)(2t) + (x+6)(2t) +(x+6)(c+1)\)

    \(2x^2 +14x +12 =5x^2 +21x + 6\)

    \(3x^2 +7x -6 = 0\)

    \((3x-2)(x+3) = 0\)

    \(x = 2/3\) hours

    \(x = 2/3 (60) \) = 40 minutes