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    Topics || Problems

    We wish to obtain a 40% solution of nitric acid by mixing a 20% solution in a 70% solution of acid. What percentage of the final solution should be taken from the 20% and 70% solutions? Solution:
    Solution 1Solution 2Mixture
    Nitric Acid20%70%40%


    \(y = F-x\)

    \(0.2x+ 0.7y = 0.4 F\)

    \(0.2x+ 0.7(F-x) = 0.4 F\)

    \(0.2x +0.7F-0.7x = 0.4F\)

    \(0.5 x = 0.3F\)

    \(x = 0.6F\)

    \(y = 0.4F\)

    60% should be taken from the 20% solution and 40% from the other solution.