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    Topics || Problems

    What should be the length of the third side of an isosceles triangle, if the congruent sides is 10 and the area is at maximum?


    \(A = \frac{bh}{2}\)

    \(10^2 = h^2 +(\frac{b}{2})^2\)

    \(h = \sqrt{100- (\frac{b}{2})^2}\)

    \(A = \frac{(b)\sqrt{100- (\frac{b}{2})^2}}{2}\)

    \(A = \frac{\sqrt{100b^2- \frac{b^4}{4}}}{2}\)

    \(\frac{2dA}{dx} = \frac{200b-b^3}{2\sqrt{100b^2-\frac{b^4}{4}}}\)

    \(0 = 200b-b^3\)

    \(b = 14.14 \) units

    Thus the length of the third side is:

    \(b = 14.14 \) units