  • ENSB Solutions
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    Topics || Problems

    1. A rope 75 feet long is cut into two pieces where one is 11 feet longer than the other. Find their lengths.


    Let x be the longer piece and y be the other.

    Thus x + y = 75

    x = 11 + y; since the other is 11 feet longer than the other

    Thus, we have 2 equations and two unknowns:

    \(x + y = 75\) ; eq (1)

    \(x = 11 + y\) ; eq (2)

    \(\left( {11 + y} \right) + y = 75\) ; Substitute equation 2 to equation 1.

    \(2y = 75 - 11\)

    \(y = \frac{{64}}{2}\)

    \(y = 32\)

    \(x = 11 + 32\)

    \(x = 43\)

    Therfore the lengths are 43 feet and 32 feet.