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    Topics || Problems

    If the 6th term of a geometric progression (g.p.) is 4 and the 10th term is 4/81, find r.

    \(a_n = a_1 r^{n-1}\)

    \(a_6 = a_1 r^{6-1}\)

    \(4 = a_1 r^5\)

    \(a_40 = a_1 r^{10-1}\)

    \(a_10 = a_1 r^{10-1}\)

    \(\frac{4}{81} = a_1 r^9\)

    Divide the two equations to eliminate \(a_1\)

    \(\frac{4}{81(4)} = \frac{a_1r^9}{a_1r^5}\)

    \(\frac{1}{81} = r^4\)

    \(r=\frac{1}{3}\) Answer