  • ENSB Solutions
  • Basic Mathematics
  • Algebra
  • Trigonometry
  • Analytic Geometry
  • Plane Geometry
  • Solid Geometry
  • Differential Calculus
  • Integral Calculus
  • Differential Equation
  • Analytic Geometry Solutions

    Topics || Problems

    Find the equation of the circle with center at (1,7) and radius equal to 3.

    The standard equation of a circle is \((x-h)+(y-k)^2=r^2\), where \((h,k)\) is the origin and the \(r\) is the radius.


    \((x-1)^2+(y-7)^2=3^2\) Answer

    To general form \(x^2-2x-1+y^2-14y +49 =9\)

    \(x^2 + y^2 -2x -4y +39 =0\)