  • ENSB Solutions
  • Basic Mathematics
  • Algebra
  • Trigonometry
  • Analytic Geometry
  • Plane Geometry
  • Solid Geometry
  • Differential Calculus
  • Integral Calculus
  • Differential Equation
  • Solid Geometry Solutions

    Topics || Problems

    The edges of a trunk are 3ft, 4ft, 6ft. A second trunk is twice as long; the other edges are 3ft, 4ft. How do their volumes compare?

    \(V_1 = 3x4x6 = 72 ~ft^3\)

    \(V_2 = 3x4x(2x6) = 144 ~ft^3\)

    \(\frac{V_1}{V_2} = \frac{72}{144} \)

    \(V_2 = 2V_1\), the volume of the second trunk is twice the first.