CE Board Exam Coverage

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  1. Civil Engineering Board Exam
    • Mathematics, Surveying and Transportation Engineering (35%)
      • Algebra, Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry, Descriptive and Solid Geometry, Differential and Integral Calculus, Highway and Railroad Surveying, Advance Surveying, Design and Construction of Highways and Railroads, Piers or Ports and Wharves.
    • Hydraulics and Geotechnical Engineering(30%)
      • Fluid properties; Hydrostatic Pressures; Fluid Flow;Buoyancy and Flotation; Relative Equilibrium of Liquids; Hydrodynamics; Water Supply; Soil Properties; Soil Classification; Fluid Through Soil Mass; Stresses in soil mass; Soil strength and Test; Bearing Capacity; Compaction; Consolidation and Settlement; Lateral Earth pressures; Slope Stability;
    • Structural Engineering and Construction(35%)
      • Engineering Mechanics; Strength of materials; Theory of Structures; Analysis and Design of Concrete; Steel; Timber Structures and Foundation with application of governing codes of Practice.

  2. The Passing Score (%) for Civil Engineering Board Exam
    • Average Rating not less than 70% and
    • No rating lower than 50% in any given subject

  3. Application Requirements for Civil Engineering Board Exam
    • NSO / PSA Birth Certificate
    • NSO / PSA Marriage Contract (for married female applicants)
    • Transcript of Records with scanned picture and Remarks "For Board Examination Purposes"
    • Valid NBI Clearance (First Timers & Repeaters)
    • Two (2) Certificates of Good Moral Character from any 2 of the following:
      • Barangay
      • Church
      • School
      • Employer
    • Payment: P900.00 - complete

  4. Qualifications for Admission to the Licensure Examination
    • Be at least twenty-one years of age
    • Be a citizen of the Philippines;
    • Be of good reputation and moral character
    • Be a graduate of a four-year course in civil engineering from a school, institute, college or university recognized by the Government or the State wherein it is established.
    From: Civil Engineering Law
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