CSC Exam Coverage (Prof and Subprof)

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  1. Coverage of Civil Service (CS) exam - Ph
  2. Scope Professional Level Sub-Professional Level
    NUMERICAL ABILITY: Basic Operations, Word Problems Basic Operations, Word Problems
    ANALYTICAL ABILITY: Word Association, Identifying assumptions and conclusions, logic, data interpretation none
    VERBAL ABILITY: Grammar and Correct Usage, vocubulary, Paragraph organization, reading comprehension Grammar and Correct Usage, vocubulary, Paragraph organization, reading comprehension
    CLERICAL ABILITY: none Filing, Spelling
    GENERAL INFORMATION: Philippine Constitution, Code of conduct and Ethical Standards of Public Officials and Employees(RA 6713), Peace and Human Right Issues and Concepts, Environment Management and Protection Philippine Constitution, Code of conduct and Ethical Standards of Public Officials and Employees(RA 6713), Peace and Human Right Issues and Concepts, Environment Management and Protection

  3. Passing Score | Grade (%) for civil service exam (Prof and Sub Prof) - Ph?
    • A rating of not less than 80%

  4. Qualifications to be able to take the CS Exam
    • Filipino Citizen
    • At least 18 years old
    • With good moral character
    • Have not been convicted by final judgment of any offense or crime involving moral turpitude, immoral conduct, examination irregularity, drunkenness, or drug addiction.
    • Have not been dishonorably discharged from military service or dismissed for cause from any civilian position in the government
    • Have not taken the same level of civil service examination within three months. Those who have already passed the same or comparable level of examination given by the Professional Regulatory Commission, as well as the Bar Exams, and those who graduated with honors need not apply.
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