Civil Service Exam Reviewers | Verbal Ability | Set 3

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CS Exam Coverage (Prof and Sub Prof)

51] It cost twice __________I thought it would.
a) as much as
b) as much
c) more than
d) than

52] She was much different _______ I expected
a) than
b) from what
c) from
d) than what

53] When a leader is succeeded by another leader, the former is referred to as
a) replaced
b) dethroned
c) defeated
d) deposed

54] "You wouldn't want to be accused of theft, __________ ?
a) wouldn't you
b) won't you
c) will you
d) would you

55] In his address, the Regional Director exhorted the teachers to discover and each student’s_______talent.
a) develop intrinsic
b) Justify gratuitous
c) redirect: specialty
d) uplift unrecognized

56] The enforcers feel that the ________ shown by the judges to first offenders unfortunately ___________many youngsters to embark on a life of crimes.
a) Harshness predisposes
b) Indifference: directs
c) Clemency encourages
d) Understanding condemns

57] What utterance show determination
a) This time I have not made my mind
b) This time I won’t stop schooling
c) I have good news for you.
d) What a shame, she came back.

58] The victim’s father refused revenge when he said:
a) “An eye for an eye”
b) “Justice is always delayed”
c) “Don’t take the law into your hands
d) “Give him the other cheek”

59] “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.” This means _________
a) The heart is always correct about everything.
b) Important things are not always for the heart but for the brain.
c) Heart should always be over and above the brains.
d) Only the heart can see the beauty of life and love.

60] “I will take the road less travelled by and be condemned if necessary.”
a) Regrets come before decision
b) Decisions are made despite differences from the majority
c) Decisions are made on the crossroads.
d) Regrets come after decisions.

61] Professionals leaving abroad to seek “greener pastures” is one type of
a) Brain-drain
b) Employment
c) OFW’s
d) Migration

62] Only world-class athletes win medals at the Olympic Games. Michael Phelps won several gold medals in swimming at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Therefore:
a) Michael Phelps is an all-time American swimmer
b) Australia won the most number of gold medals in swimming
c) Michael Phelps is world-class athlete and an Olympian
d) Michael Phelps is a be-medalled swimmer

63] “His untimely death has left us blinder than we might have been.” This means _______.
a) Those left behind are left homeless.
b) Those left behind are blind
c) Those orphans are left to themselves
d) Those who blind are orphans

64] The audience can’t help but admiring the top Five Finalist during the Miss Universe Pageant.
a) A (can't)
b) B (but )
c) C (admiring)
d) d (No error)

65] Diligence and honesty, as well as being intelligent are qualities which I look for when I look for when I Interview applicants.
a)as well as
b)being intellegent
d)No error

66] Writing a beautiful sonnet is as much as achievement as to finish a 50-page novel.
a)beautiful sonnet
b)as much
c)to finish
d)No error

67] After his heart attack, he was ordered to lay in bed and rest for Two weeks. No error.
b)was ordered
c)to lay
d)No error

68] She is the only one of the applicants who are fully qualified for the position. No error.
a)She is
c)qualified for
d)No error

69] He can’t hardly do anything with his right hand ever since he had his stroke. No error.
a)He can’t hardly
d)No error

70] The cooperation between the local Police Force and the PDEA agents resulted to the arrest of the suspected drug dealer.
b)resulted to
d)No error

71] The cooperation between the local Police Force and the PDEA agents resulted to the arrest of the suspected drug dealer.
b)resulted to
d)No error

72] The study revealed that more than two-thirds of the population are poor.
d)No error

73] Carlo has been absent for three days because he is affected of dengue fever.
a)has been
c)affected of
d)No error

74] After 5 stressful and depressing years, Anthony finally quit his job. He _______ with his immediate superior for quite some time before he finally decided to resign. Along
a) hadn’t been getting
b) hadn’t been doing
c) hasn’t been getting
d) isn’t getting

75] Joseph and Josephus were mischievous children. They _________ which always got them into a lot of trouble.
a) could play
b) used to play
c) played
d) aways play
51a) as much as
52b) from what
53a) replaced
54d) would you
55c) redirect: specialty
56b) Indifference: directs
57c) I have good news for you.
58c) “Don’t take the law into your hands
59d) Only the heart can see the beauty of life and love.
60b) Decisions are made despite differences from the majority
61a) Brain-drain
62c) Michael Phelps is world-class athlete and an Olympian
63c) Those orphans are left to themselves
64b) B (but )
65b)being intellegent
66b)as much
67b)was ordered
69a)He can’t hardly
70b)resulted to
71b)resulted to
73c)affected of
74a) hadn’t been getting
75b) used to play
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