“It's not about how bad you want it, it's about how hard you are willing to work for it.”
What is NCAE?
- NCAE - National Career Assessment Examination
- Administered to: Grade 9
- Main Purpose: To help students determine which courses they should study in college.
- Test-taking is mandatory.
- Test results are recommendatory.
- For K to 12 Program: career guidance for choosing the tracks in Senior High School
Is there a Passing Rate for NCAE?
- Since this is an assessment there should be no passing rate- right?
- But: On the criteria for entry to senior high school tracks/strands
- STEM - NCAE Percentile rank of 86 and Above in the STEM subtest
- Arts and Design and Sports Track - NCAE percentile rank of 51 and above in the corresponding subtests.
What is the coverage of the exam?
- Mathematical Ability (MA)
- Verbal Ability
- Scientific Ability
- Logical Reasoning Ability
- Occupational Interest Inventory for Students in Secondary School (OIISSS)
- Humanities and Social Sciences (HUNSS)
- Science, Technology and Mathematics (STEM)
- Accountacy, Bussiness and Mangement (ABM)
- Technical-Vocational Aptitude