Professional Education

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1] The idea of revisiting and elaborating to the level of full understanding is achieve through the

a) Enrichment curriculum

b) Advanced Organizers

c) Concept mapping

d) Spiral curriculum

1] When teachers conduct a series of evaluation to determine the extent of teaching, what must be implemented?

a) Hidden Curriculum

b) Learned Curriculum

c) Taught Curriculum

d) Assessed Curriculum

2] Can Lea Salonga, be given a special permit to teach Music in High School?

a) Yes, she is graduate of ALS

b) No, she cannot. I very first place, she is not an education graduate.

c) Yes, she has excelled and gained international recognition.

d) No, she has not passed the LET.

3] Why is the teacher’s authority important in managing the classroom?

a) To motivate the students to internalize self-discipline

b) To sow fear of the teachers to make students focus on classroom learning

c) To make the students obey all the orders of the teachers

d) To coerce the students to behave properly

4] The Professional role of Teachers is not “the sage on the stage” but “the guide from the side”. This implies that the __________________________.

a) teachers must act more as facilitators of learning

b) teachers must cling to their power to improve roles

c) teachers assess on their roles as lecturer

d) teachers must project as “Almighty-omniscient” image

5] Which is NOT an evidence of pedagogical of a teacher?

a) Communication of the course objectives to the students

b) Adhering to the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

c) Awareness of alternative instructional strategies

d) Selection of appropriate methods of instructions

6] Setting of learning objectives adopts certain characteristics under the acronym of SMART. Identify the kind of objectives set by SMART teachers. The A in SMART is _______________.

a) Active

b) Attainable

c) Achievement

d) Advisable

7] The T in SMART is __________.

a) True

b) Time-bound

c) Traditional

d) Tabulated by objectives

8] Teacher Mac recognizes the fact that learners have strong sensual feelings, and so she explores the learner’s ________________.

a) Pleasure Values

b) Spiritual Values

c) Values of the Holy

d) Vital Values

9] The highest level in the life of professional teacher as given in the PPST is _____.

a) Model

b) Most Proficient

c) Distinguished

d) Highly Proficient

10] Which is/are TRUE of a professional?

a) Completed college/university degree

b) Required of NC IV from TESDA

c) Demonstrate solely ethical competence

d) Abides by his personal Code of Ethics

11] What principle was not being applied when teacher Rita made no introductory orientation of lessons in the curriculum agenda?

a) Giving a pre-test and post-test for lessons.

b) Preparing students to be quiet

c) Preparing instructional tools

d) Connecting present to previous lessons

12] Which of the following topics are appropriate for inviting a barangay chairman to share ideas with students and teachers in a school?

a) Tips on health and nutritional care

b) Organizing a school sports tournament

c) Managing the basic needs of a community

d) Climate change and its responsibilities

13] Robert took the LET last September 2019. Unfortunately, he failed in the examination? Is he qualified for the position of a para-teacher?

a) Yes, if his LET rating is 70-74

b) No

c) Yes if, his LET rating is 71-74.

d) Yes if his LET rating is 75 below.

14] What does Article XIII of Code of ethics include as the basis for evaluating students other than quality of academic performance?

a) Extra-curricular activities

b) Merit

c) Attendance

d) Conduct

15] Teacher Sony makes effort for students to discover personal values applicable for life in her lessons. What domain of learning is served in this instance?

a) Skills learning

b) Metacognitive learning

c) Cognitive learning

d) Affective learning

16] Teacher Liza is ________ as she avoids out-of-context facts recall, but introduces situations for learners to think-feel and do, such as making picture folders, team-building on projects, etc.

a) Progressivist

b) Constructivist

c) Naturalist

d) Positivist

17] In her Arithmetic class, teacher Bambie makes her students use numbers for various real-life tasks like buying things in the store, comparing distances of planets, budgeting a party, etc. What is this teaching-learning practice?

a) Reconstructive

b) Collaborative

c) Inter-disciplinary

d) Constructive

18] Mrs. Hernandez is evaluating a website for her Literature class. She is making sure that factual pieces of information found on the site are well documented and pictures and diagrams are properly labeled. She is also checking that there are no misspelled words or grammar errors. Which criterion is she focusing on?

a) Accuracy

b) Clarity

c) Appropriateness

d) Motivation

19] If you want to determine if the education student truly value teaching profession, which of the following queries should you ask?

a) Is the teaching profession a noble profession?

b) Are you happy on your choice?

c) Will you convince others to enroll in the teacher education course?

d) What good do you get if you become a teacher?

20] Why is empirical science inductive?

a) It starts from observable evidences building p to a universal explanation or theory.

b) It is drawn from universal laws of the mind

c) It combines universal laws and principles

d) It starts from universal principles to concrete facts or knowledge

21] From Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive processing, at what level is teacher Sha’s asking her students to formulate their personal philosophy of education?

a) Creating

b) Analyzing

c) Evaluating

d) Assessing

22] For those who successfully pass the Licensure Examination for teachers the ____signed by the chairman of the RC serve as evidence for lawful practice profession

a) Professional License

b) Merit examination certificate

c) Professional oath Copy

d) Professional registration fee receipt

23] What type of education is giving emphasis on learning by doing, experiential learning, etc.?

a) Ancient education

b) Traditional education

c) Alternative education

d) Progressive education

24] A Grade 7 Social Studies teacher gave a project where her class in Manila will work together with other Grade 7 classes in their school campuses in Visayas and Mindanao. They will create posters and a video clip to communicate a message about peace. They will use social media to spread their peace campaign. This project involves technology integration which is ______________.

a) adaptation-collaborative

b) adoption-constructive

c) entry-active

d) transformation-constructive

25] Why is CPD necessary for professional teachers? I. To continuously improve their professional and personal competence; II. To be at par with other professionals; III. To abide by the CPD Act of 2016

a) I, II and III

b) I and III

c) II and III

d) III only

Question NumberAnswer
1d) Spiral curriculum
2d) Assessed Curriculum
3c) Yes, she has excelled and gained international recognition.
4a) To motivate the students to internalize self-discipline
5a) teachers must act more as facilitators of learning
6b) Adhering to the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
7b) Attainable
8b) Time-bound
9a) Pleasure Values
10c) Distinguished
11a) Completed college/university degree
12d) Connecting present to previous lessons
13c) Managing the basic needs of a community
14a) Yes, if his LET rating is 70-74
15b) Merit
16d) Affective learning
17a) Progressivist
18c) Inter-disciplinary
19a) Accuracy
20a) Is the teaching profession a noble profession?
21a) It starts from observable evidences building p to a universal explanation or theory.
22a) Creating
23a) Professional License
24d) Progressive education
25d) transformation-constructive