ME Board Exam Coverage

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  1. Mechanical Engineering Board Exam Coverage | Scope
    1. Industrial and Power Plant Engineering (35%)
      • Power Plant Elements
      • Fuels and Combustion; Variable Load Problems; Thermodynamics; Internal Combustion Engines; Heat Transfer

      • Power Plant Design
      • Diesel Engine Power Plant; Gas Turbine Power Plant; Combine Cycle Power Plant; Steam Power Plant; Hydro-electric Power Plant; Geothermal Power Plant; Nuclear Power Plant; Non-conventional Sources of Energy; Piping System and Insulation; Instrumentation and Control

      • Industrial Plant Engineering
      • Project Feasibility Study; Industrial Safety and Accident Prevention; Heat Transfer Mode and Laws; Fluid Machineries Principle and Operation; Industrial Lubrication; Environmental Engineering and Pollution Control.

      • Industrial Plant Design
      • Dryers; Fans and Blowers; Pumos; Cooling Towers and Other Water Cooling Equipment; Gas Compressors; Chimney-Smokestack and Draft System; Heat Transfer Equipment; Conveyors and Other Material handling Equipment; Industrial Instrumentation and Control; Machinery Foundation; AC and DC Machinery Performance and Characteristics; Industrial Processes

      • Refrigeration Engineering and its Application
      • principles of Different Refrigeration Systems; Determination of Cooling Loads; Basic Design of Ice Plants, Cold Storage and Skating Rinks; Design Selection and Specification of Refrigeration Plants and Equipment; Instrumentation and Controls

      • Air Conditioning
      • Psychrometric Properties of Air; Various Airconditioning Processes; Factors Affecting Human Comfort; Air Distribution and Simple Duct Design; Drying Hearing and Ventilation; Cooling Load Calculations; Selection and Specification of Airconditioning; Instrumentation and Controls

    2. Mathematics Engineering, Economics and Basic Engineering Services (35%)
      • Mathematics
      • Algebra, Plane Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry, Differential and Integral Calculus, Differential Equations, Probability and Statistics

      • Engineering Economics, ME Law and Code of Ethics
      • Basic Principle of Engineering Economics; Mechanical Eningineering Law; Mechanical Engineering Code; Code of Ethics for Mechanical Engineers; Obligations and Contract.

      • Basic Engineering Sciences and Engineering Materials
      • Chemistry; Physics and Modern Physics; Strength of Materials; Thermodynamics; Fluid Mechanics

    3. Machine Design, Materials and Shop Practices (30%)
      • Kinematics
      • Displacement Velocity and Acceleration Analysis; Analysis of Mechanism; Cam Mechanism and Gear Train

      • Machine Design
      • Stress Analysis-Simple Stress; Material and their Properties; Tolerances and Allowances; Variable Loads and Stress Concentration; Columns and Central Loads; Combines Stresses; Ball and Roller Bearings; Journal and Plane-Surface Bearings; Flexible Transmission, Flat-Belts, V-Belts and Chains; Screw Fastening and Rivets; Springs; Shafts; Key and Couplings; Journal and Plane-Surface Bearings; Spur, Helical, Bevel Gears and Worm Gearing; Brakes and Clutches; Welding; Thin Cylinders and Cylindrical Cylinders; Steek Tubes; Flat Plates; Flywheels; Punch Press; Pipe and Fittings; Engineering Drawing Practices

      • Shop Machinery
      • Shop Practices
    4. For more detailed TOS check prc website here

  2. The Passing Score (%) for Mechanical Engineering Board Exam
    • To pass the examination, a candidate for a professional mechanical engineer, a mechanical engineer, and certified plant mechanical must obtain an average of seventy percent (70%) on all subjects, with no rating below fifty percent (50%) in any of the subjects. - RA 8495

  3. Application Requirements for Mechanical Engineering Board Exam
    • BS IN Mechanical ENGINEERING
    • NSO / PSA Birth Certificate
    • NSO / PSA Marriage Contract (for married female applicants)
    • Transcript of Records with scanned picture and Remarks "For Board Examination Purposes"
    • Valid NBI Clearance (First Timers & Repeaters)
    • P900.00 *After three (3) failures, REST one (1) year
    • src: PRC

  4. Qualifications for Admission to the Licensure Examination
    • He is a citizen of the Philippines
    • He must not have been convicted by a court of law of a crime involving moral turpitude
    • He holds the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from a university, school, College, academy, or institute duly constituted and recognized as such by the government.
    from: RA 8495
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